Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Mother's Day Cloth Diaper Giveaway Hop/ #ClothDiaperHop

Mother's Day is almost here and we are celebrating with our love for cloth diapers!
Welcome to the Mother's Day Cloth Diaper Giveaway Hop hosted by Daily Mothering! Nearly 100 blogs have linked up to bring you dozens and dozens of exciting cloth diaper giveaways. Enter my giveaway below and then hop to the other blogs listed at the bottom of this post to enter their fluffy giveaways too! Each blog has a cloth diaper prize valued at $15 or more, and many blogs have prize packs worth over $100. And, don't forget to enter the GRAND PRIZE giveaway at Daily Mothering for your chance to win this amazing $1300 Cloth Diaper Prize Pack!

Several Bloggers decided to join together to celebrate Mothers Day. I love to give things to people, it makes me happy. So what better day to hold a giveaway then on Mothers Day. What better item to give then diapers, after all, all mothers have children. What mother doesn't need diapers? This time around I decided to purchase several different brand diapers (some I have tried, some I have not) so that whatever lucky mom wins this giveaway, they can try out a variety. All of these diapers would work well with a girl or boy. I hope you enjoy and good luck!

Here is what is included in my personal Cloth Diaper Giveaway for this Mothers Day event.

(Bonnibuns $28.00 value-have not used these as of yet)
(BootyBuns $31.50 value-am trying these out now, liking them)
(Happy Heinys $19.95 value, have not tried as of yet)
(Flip $16.95 value, use these among my stash)
(Bum Genius 3.0 value $17.95, I have 4.0 in my stash)

 So that is a grand total of 5 Cloth Diapers totaling $108.35 not including shipping!

I hope you all enjoy this event. Happy Mothers Day to all you momma's out there God Bless you all.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. new to cloth diapers but excited about it!

  2. I am fairly new to cloth!

  3. I have been cloth diapering since my daughter was born 7 weeks ago. :)

  4. We've be cloth diapering for over a year, and I LOVE it!

  5. I have been cloth diapering for nearly 3 years between my two boys :)

  6. We used cloth for my first one and he is 4 now. We are also using cloth on our new little one. He is 3 months.

  7. We've been CDing for 10 months now, but we've only used BumGenius dipes, so I'd love to try something new!

  8. Justice MontgomeryMay 1, 2012 at 5:42 AM

    We have been CDing our LO for three months now. He's baby #5 and the first in cloth.

  9. I wouldn't call myself a pro but I have been using cloth for nearly two years now

  10. I've been CDing for just over 1 year and am still learning new things!

  11. I have used cloth for a year now.

  12. I'm a pro, I guess. Been using cloth since August 2011 :) could reeeeeallly use this for my kiddos!

  13. i am pretty new to cloth only been doing it about 5 months

  14. We just began using cloth diapers in January of this year so just 5 months.

  15. We'll begin cloth diapering when our first little one arrives this summer!

    huntermb3 at gmail dot com

  16. Brooke SchwadererMay 1, 2012 at 7:20 AM

    cloth diapering for just over a year

  17. I've been using CD for about a year and a half :)

    bakergurl02 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  18. somewhere between newbie and pro! about 6 months now.

  19. im pretty new to cloth, have been doing it for a few months now!

  20. I'm somewhere between. We've been CDing for about a year, but only part time cuz the CDs are expensive!

  21. In the middle, I only have one daughter and have been cloth diapering over a year.

  22. I am just starting to cloth diaper- we still use mostly disposables as I slowly try to increase my meager supply.

  23. Been doing for over 3 years, so I guess, "an old pro" LOL ;-)
    (Johanna C on RC form)

  24. New! Just starting on my 2 month old. Hope to win some so I can go completely cloth:)

  25. I am new to cloth as a mom - used cloth on my brother 20+ years ago though!

  26. I've been cloth diapering for almost 3 years, and have 2 in diapers!

  27. We have been using cloth for about a year... wouldn't call myself new or a pro... in the middle :)

  28. I am new to cloth diapering.
    arobinson45 (at) woh.rr.com

  29. I have been cloth diapering for over 10 years, but by the time baby #7 came around, some things were pretty worn out...could use some revamping my stash!! :)


    saramomofmany at gmail.com

  30. I have 4 kids, but this will be my first attempt at cloth diapering.

  31. I would say I am still a newbie, we have only been CDing for about 3 months :)

  32. I've been cloth diapering my 2 1/2 year old daughter and 7 month old son for the last 4 months. I hope to have 1 or 2 more babies to cloth diaper from birth!

  33. I'm somewhere in between - we've been cloth diapering for 14 months.

  34. We've been CDing full-time for almost 11 months and love it!

  35. I am new to cloth and loving it!

  36. I've been doing it for 9 months. I'd say I'm almost a pro!

  37. I'm a newbie! I'm very excited!

  38. Old Pro! :) Almost 2 whole years!

  39. I have just started.

  40. just started using CDs a few weeks ago...love it!

  41. I've been cloth diapering for almost a year!

  42. How awesome is this!!! I have 4 CD as of right now and I'm hooked!!
    Carmen Frausto

  43. We have been cloth diapering out daughter (1st child) for 5 months now! It's great!

  44. I've been CDing for 10 mos, but I still consider myself new! I learn something every day.

  45. So excited to start cloth diapering!

  46. I've been cloth diapering for over a year now!

  47. I just started actively looking at cloth diapers last week. (We've been thinking about it for a long time now, and we just decided to commit to it) I am now trying to find out what brand to go with. This would be perfect!!

  48. I have only been using cloth for a month now, Loving it! So much easier than I thought it would be

  49. we now have 4 but will just be beginning hopefully tomorrow when i get my first diapers in the mail.

  50. Planning to CD our next! This would be great to get us started, and use some of it to bless my wonderful friend and neighbor who also uses cloth!

  51. I've cloth diapered for 8 years now on 8 different kids. Check out my giveaway for Bamboobies nursing pads @ http://www.forhimandmyfamily.blogspot.com/2012/04/mothers-day-cloth-diaper-giveaway.html

  52. was interested while prego but i just started getting really into it

  53. im pretty new but this is my first baby!

  54. We have been cloth diaper for about 14 months, may be less than that. We are excited to start with cloth for the baby due in June.

  55. I'm pretty new to cloth diapering. I started about 3 months ago.

  56. I'm a medium-ish pro :) Been CDing for 11 months.

    cmcosman at yahoo dot com

  57. I'm an old pro, but needing to add to my stash before our baby arrives!

  58. I have been using cloth for about 4 years now.

  59. i used cloth for over a year & half with my middle child & now am expecting again plan on using cloth full time this go round

  60. We've been CDing DD for 5 months. :)

  61. I'll be brand new when my first is born in July :)

  62. I've been using cloth for just over 18 months.

  63. I've cloth diapered both of my babies so far, and plan to on any other babies we have!

  64. I'm somewhere in the middle! Been cloth diapering for a year and a half!

  65. New-ish...never had a good stash so I used both cloth and disposables. Would like to do all cloth with the new baby!

  66. My baby is 4 months and we have been CDing for 3!

  67. have to say new to cloth since I've only been doing it for 3 months

    Hannah D devriesincome@gmail.com

  68. Brand new to cloth for my 2nd child :)

  69. I'm new to cloth but learning lots and hoping to win something from this amazing hop.

  70. We've been CD for about six months, I didn't CD for my first son (17 years ago, lol)

  71. i've been cloth diapering for 5 months

  72. I like cloth diapers they are the best and saves money

  73. I am fairly new to cloth diapering! We are trying to figure out what will work best for our little lady's bottom so this package would cover several options! It would be fabulous to have!

  74. I am having my first baby in August and plan to cloth diaper...this would be great to get started :)

  75. I've been cloth diapering for 10 mos!

  76. I have been cloth diapering for a little over two years now! :-D

  77. I wouldn't say I'm a pro, but I've cloth diapered my daughter for almost 2 years -- however, I will be cloth diapering a newborn in July for the first time!

  78. I've also been CD'ing for a little over 2 years. Can't wait til I have a new lil one to CD! Thanks for the contest!

  79. I have been CDing for 17 months! I consider myself a pro!

  80. I am an old pro. I have been cloth diapering for almost 3 years now.

  81. brand new! We're starting with our baby who's due in July~

  82. I am new to cloth as my little one has not yet arrived! Can't wait to meet him or her!

  83. very new to cloth - i'm pregnant with our first!

  84. We are using cloth for the first time with our five month old. I try to use as few disposables as possible and hope to switch to hybrids instead of disposables soon

  85. i'm sort of a semi-pro....i've only been doing it for six months but i'm trying and reviewed so many different kids i feel like I'm totally with it!! LOL

  86. Not new, but not an old pro either! Been CD-ing for about 6 months now :)

  87. I'm sort of new...2-3 months so far. Loving it! Haven't lookded back!

  88. I am cloth diapering my 2nd baby. She is a year and a month!

  89. I cloth diapered my son 22 months, he just potty trained! And plan on using cloth on the next baby due in August.

  90. Will be new to cloth as soon as this little one is born!

  91. been cloth diapering for 4 mths n loving it

  92. I've been cloth diapering for 22 months - maybe it makes me a pro...or at least an intermediate. :)

  93. Not cloth diapering yet, but I want to.

  94. I a fairly new. We decided to cloth diaper when my daughter turned 2 and we had our own house. I am planning on using cloth diapers with our second child as well!

  95. I really like your site, very cute, the webdesigner rocks!

    1. And to add on, I've been diapering with cloth since day one with our little man. :)

  96. I have been using cloth diapers for 6 months! I am loving it and trying to convert others! I would use these to help my sister who I am trying to covert!

  97. We started using cloth before my 3rd was born, but we're about to have 2 in cloth at once :)

  98. New new new. I have 3 older kids and I thought CDing was nasty, time consuming, and expensive. I researched it a lot after my 4th was born, and I have been cd'ing her since she was 8 months old....she's 10 months old now.

  99. I'm very new! I'm currently in the exploring stage to determine which kinds I like the best.

  100. I have been at it for 5 months!~

  101. I've been using cloth diapers for almost four years now!

  102. I've been using cloth diapers since December. Still somewhat new.

  103. Brand new! Haven't even started yet, actually. Can't wait for this little lady to get here!

  104. I've been cloth diapering for a little over 2 years.

  105. I will be starting with cloth when my daughter is born next month!

  106. I Love cloth diapers! I've been doing it since my son was 2 months old and even got some friends into it too. Its like a cloth diapering club now :) haha

  107. I am from a family of 7 kids (though 10 total as 3 are already in heaven), so when I saw the name of your blog, it made me smile.

    1. oops, and I forgot what I was actually supposed to talk about. I am new to cloth diapering. Expecting #3 and want to start.

  108. currently cloth diapering 1yo twins, and their 3 siblings before them!

  109. I am new to cloth....building my stash while we wait to adopt a newborn :)

  110. I am about to have my 2nd baby.. and would love to win this.. My name is Judith Moyers

  111. I am new to cloth diapering.. Have ordered some in the past, but haven't followed through with actually cloth diapering. Judith Moyers

  112. OK.. question.. I am also new to blogging... and I am trying to add your button to my blog BabyBloomersblogspot.com but I am not sure how.. Here is the link.. and you are on there, but it doesn't show your picture nor does it link to your website.. :( Please credit me anyways for the drawing... and e-mail me to tell me personally how to do this.. Blessings.. Judadekin@gmail.com

  113. I'm new to cloth, I used disposables with my son but am working on my cloth diaper stash for baby girl who is due in June!

  114. I'm new to cloth... and new to diapers in general! I'm pregnant with my first, due in 1 month :)

  115. I have mostly cloth diapered my youngest two. Plan to cloth diaper the one in my belly.

  116. I've been using Cloth for about 2 years (both my babies) and my mom always used cloth! Thanks for such a great giveaway! :)

  117. cloth diapering for over a year now.

  118. I am somewhere in between!! I have been using cloth for 5 months with my baby girl and I used them for a few months before my son potty trained. I am not a pro since I am still learning, but I am definitely not a newbie either. :)
    bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

  119. CDing for almost a year since my DD was born : )

  120. New to it! If I won this, it would double my stash!

  121. Love cloth diapers, 11 months into my 2nd child's diapering years!

  122. Old pro. We've been cloth diapering for 3.5 years, first with my oldest daughter (who's not potty trained except for nighttime), and now with my son...but we always love to try out new brands when we can! :)

    happynutty at msn dot com

  123. I'm probably an old pro. It has only been a year, but I've learned so much.

  124. I have been cding for about a year i know a ton but wouldnt say im a pro

  125. I have been cding for almost 4 years and two children later. I am planning on cloth diapering future babies as well. I wouldn't say I am a pro though. I learn something new about them everyday!
    beth.rees333 at gmail dot com

  126. I've been CDing for a few months and love it!

  127. i wouldnt call myself a pro but i have been doing it almost two years :)

  128. I've been using cloth for 18 months, so I wouldn't call myself new, but I wouldn't consider myself a pro either.

  129. I am new to cloth diapers. I have a few diapers on the way and can't wait to start my journey into cloth diapering. My 6 month old keeps breaking out from disposables so we are switching to cloth.

  130. Very new to cloth - haven't tried it yet, but living an hour away from the grocery store it seems like a good idea (no midnight diaper runs for us!)

  131. I guess I'm a pro since I am now CD'ing kid #2

  132. We have been using cloth diapers for years! I first used them 11 years ago with my first baby. I have four children and used cloth on three of them. I plan on using cloth for our next baby too!

  133. I am new to cloth diapering. I can't wait to start!

  134. my first son was allergic to fuzzi bunz but it was probably just the dreft i had used to prep with, so with this new baby i plan to cloth with a natural detergent.. I have about 7 different kinds of cloth to see what I like.

  135. Old pro, here. Been cloth diapering for over 2 years and counting with a second babe on the way! My son was a heavy wetter from the start (like...blows up disposables, heavy), so we've learned and adjusted more than most, I think! LOL

    ayakers (at) gmail (dot) com

  136. I'm new to cloth diapers. Just started about a week ago. It's going great, so far! :)

  137. I have been cloth diapering for about 10 months now. I may not be an expert but I think I know quite a bit about cloth diapers. I read about them at least once a day, if not more, through people's blogs, etc

  138. I am still pretty new to cloth diapering. I have been cloth diapering for almost 2 months now, and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! :)

  139. I would say I'm intermediate hehe, I used cloth diapers my sister had on my nephew while I was his nanny, so I learned a lot from that. Just used prefolds and a couple of wool covers. I however did not know about all of the other options for cloth diapers until I became pregnant with my daughter and started doing some research. I couldn't decide on one kind so I have a variety of everything and various brands including prefolds and covers that were used on my niece and nephew.

  140. I'm pretty new...but loving it!

    Raj M

  141. I have been cloth diapering for a 13 months now so Im no pro but I am loving it!

  142. I am currently cloth diapering my second child; he is now eight months old. I love how there is sooo much more available, and love all the informative blogs! Cloth diapering is still confusing for me at times...mostly issues that can arise, stripping etc. But I am making it work! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  143. We have been CDing for about 7 months and loving it.

  144. I just started CDIng about a month ago... I am loving it! Way more easy than I thought it'd be... and saving me major green$$$!

  145. laura4him@bellsouth.net
    I'm a newbie

  146. Just started a few months ago & love it!!

  147. i'm coming around not a pro just yet but not a rookie either lol but im close to being a pro..

  148. Fairly new to this... Only 3 months so far, but we faithfully continue! :)

  149. I have been CDing for a couple of years but I am always learning new things.

  150. Old to collecting for LO... :)

  151. New, FTM and loving cloth!

  152. I've been cloth diapering for over a year!

  153. I am relatively new to cloth. We started in January 2012. :)

  154. i used clothe diapers 38 years ago when disposible was really becoming the rage!

  155. Have been cding for about 8 months now!

  156. I have not used it before. I would love to try it to save money.

  157. I am so new it is sad. Trying to learn.

  158. We've got 8 month old twins and we just started cloth about a month ago! So far we're loving it!

  159. Denise Eckert BeemanMay 5, 2012 at 4:49 AM

    I have only used them when babysitting a few times, but so excited to get started on my own!

  160. New to cloth...that is why I'd love to win!

  161. We have been cloth diapering for just over a year and love it.

  162. New to cding and love giveaways!

  163. I've been using cloth since day one with my son who turns one this month.

    habcharlene at gmail

    -Charlene H.

  164. Kimberly HigginsMay 5, 2012 at 9:53 AM

    im very new to cloth im still waiting for my first C-Diaper to arrive in my mail box =]

  165. I've used cloth for just over a year. wouldn't call myself a pro though

  166. I have been cd'ing for over a year...but I wouldn't consider myself a pro.lol :)

    Jessi Greenmamajama

  167. I'm not new but I'm not a pro. We've been doing it for almost 6 months now.

  168. I have used cloth on both of my babies so far and am planning on using cloth on my third soon:)

    (Rachel N on raffelcopter)

  169. I am new to cloth diapering! Have been doing it for about 1 month

  170. sort of in between. Two years one kid, doesn't make me an expert especially since I've not tried every major brand yet.

  171. We have never tried cloth. My husband won't even consider dumping money into it if he doesn't know if it will work for us. So my only hope of showing him would be to win some to try out!
    Victoria S

  172. Only been doing it a few months and love it!

  173. My first 3 girls were 'sposie babies & I decided to try cloth with my 4th girl. I'm sad I didn't know then how easy it is! I absolutely LOVE CDing my 6 month old (we've been doing it now for almost 2 months!) Thanks for the generous prize!

  174. An old pro! We Cloth diapered #1 until he potty trained at 20 months, and are getting ready start with #2 when he gets here in Aug.

  175. Brand new to cloth diapering. I just had my first DD 2 weeks ago and am in the process of getting a stash of diapers.

  176. New to cloth diapering! Looking forward to starting as soon as baby arrives :)

  177. New to cloth, but looking forward to getting started!

  178. been using cloth since my son was born, minus three days. he's almost a year now! :) but i consider myself a beginner. there's so much to learn!

  179. I've been cloth diapering my 10 week old for about 5 weeks!

  180. We started cloth diapering our 5 month old at 2 weeks, when she got big enough for our newborn clovers! We still use disposables at night, though, because she gets so angry whenever she wets in a cloth diaper. That's okay during the day, but we want as much sleep as possible!

  181. New to cloth- have just been using workhorses and prefolds so far and would live to be able to try other things.
